Sunday, June 21, 2009


And so the time has passed.. I have now officially graduated from UCLA! And so begins a new chapter in my life. For the first time in 18 years (I'm counting preschool and K grade too!), I will not be in school. I've been going to school for so long, it's hard to even imagine a life without school. I feel like school has always been the anchor in my life - it's always there, and your schedule revolves around it - studying for tests, going to classes, etc. It's going to take some adjustment now that school isn't there anymore. There's also that uncertainty factor now - I don't know exactly what I'm doing next year, and it kind of scares me. I'm still in the search for a job, which I will need if I want to live in LA.

Anyways, I've been pretty busy since graduation. The Commencement Ceremony on Friday was pretty good - the speaker, Brad Delson, turned out to be a lot better than I expected. Even though he was last minute, he turned out to be really funny. The Saturday Psych Department Ceremony was good too, except it took forever to read everyone's names. Then my family had a nice little get-together back at my home. Sunday we drove back to LA in the morning to move everything out of my apartment, and then I drove back to LA again Sunday night for Unicamp Orientation the next day. Theeen on Wednesday I went to Lake Havasu, and I got back yesterday! Whoo! And now I'm at home and I can kinda relax for a little bit. And write blogs. :-)

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