Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Break

Ah yes... Christmas break. My favorite time of year. Not only is it one of the best chances to relax and have lots of free time, there are Christmas lights everywhere! And I get to spend a lot of time with family. So good memories and quotes I've had so far this break:

Me: Ahhh should I buy that new TV??
Gma: Well do you actually watch a lot of TV?
Me: I would if I had a nice one.
Gma: Well if I had a brain, I'd be a brain surgeon.
Me: ......?
- Talking to my grandma about getting a new TV

"Seven lords a milking"
- My grandpa's guess as to what is on the 7th day of Christmas

Playing Scattegories and Pictionary with my family.

Mom: Andrew, what are the 3 things you look most for in a girl?
me: I'll have to get back to you on that one.
Mom (a day later): Have you thought of the 3 things yet?
me: not yet
Mom: No wonder you don't have any dates
Me: sigh

Playing DDR and Diablo with Brian.

Anyways that's all the good stuff I can think of right now. While I was sitting in Christmas Eve mass, I had some time to reflect, and I came up with a New Year's Resolution. It's a bit general but I know what I need to do from it: Get it together. Yup, get it together. Life is going pretty well right now, but I'm at a point where I really need to get more organized and figure things out. Sometimes I tend to have a kind of go-with-the-flow attitude towards the future. I need to get my things together, clean up my room, get back to grad school apps, do Mentorship stuff, etc..

When there are a lot of things I should be doing, they sometimes cancel each other out, like if 2 equal forces are pulling in opposite directions. Then I end up feeling guilty about doing neither. I just gotta get down to it, even if it means sacrificing free time. This is hard for me to do, because I really value free time. Going out and being busy is great, and some people like to keep themselves completely busy, but I feel like I'm one of those people that needs their free, personal time. Just time to be alone and relax and chill. That's hard to do being Program Director for Mentorship and working at the same time, while trying to do grad school apps and now adding on doing WALL as well. This may well be one of the busiest times of my life. I just have to do my best to manage my time, trying to leave some free time where possible.

Well, the new year's resolution starts with cleaning up my room. It may seem like a trivial thing but I think it's a step toward organizing my life. Then comes making a list of what I need to do. Then working on grad school apps...

All right, that's enough for one post. Merry Christmas!

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