Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy Indicators

So I've been pretty busy these past few weeks with Mentorship/Unicamp/work, and I've noticed there are definitely a few indicators that tells how busy I am.

1. The cleanliness of my room - Especially the clothes on floor/bed : clothes in hamper ratio. Right now that ratio is pretty high.

2. My beard - Shaving is a luxury activity that I partake in when I have ample time. Right now my beard is pretty shaggy.

3. The number of LOST episodes that I'm behind - I'm currently 2 episodes behind for the newest season. In another few days I'll be 3 episodes behind, which is borderline unacceptable, but will make for an epic catchup session.

4. The number of pages my bookmark has moved in my book - I've been on the same book since Winter break actually (The Black Hole War, good stuff).

5. The number of times I update my blog - It's been a while since I've updated this thing. Since the last time I've updated, some pretty big stuff has happened. Let's see... It looks like I am officially going to be a Bruin for another 2 years! I got into UCLA's grad school for Education and I just submitted my Statement of Intent to Register the other day. That'll make it 7 years that I've been around UCLA. That's almost a third of my life!

Also, I finally caved and got a new TV. A 32' Samsung LCD HDTV to be exact. For the past few years, what has happened is that my urge to get a new TV will keep increasing until it reaches the threshold point, at which point I'll call my mom and she'll talk me out of it, returning the urge to a base point. However, this time when I reached the threshold, my mom said I should go ahead and get it since I've been wanting it for so long. And that just pushed me over the edge.

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