Sunday, June 6, 2010

End of Chapter

I have once again reached the end of another chapter in my life. This chapter was a year long and is now finally coming to a close. Mentorship events are over and is winding down, I have 2 weeks left of being a TA at UCLA Lab School, and Unicamp meetings are over as well.

Although I will definitely miss being Program Director for Mentorship, a large part of me is just plain relieved that it is over. I feel like I've sacrificed a lot of relationships with friends, and I'm excited to get my old life back, in a way. That means finally hanging out with people that I kept saying I was too busy to hang out with. And, catching up on my shows/video games of course. One thing I learned about myself this year, among other things, is that I definitely value my "me time". Even if it's just a few hours of a day, it's nice to just sit around and do nothing for a while.

I am going to miss my 5th grade class. A lot. This year was unique, and I probably won't get another chance like it, since I'm going into high school math. The 5th grade is such an interesting age, because you can have real conversations with most of these kids, and a lot of them are so funny and quirky. Knowing that there's only 2 weeks left, I'm really valuing my last days with them. Some of them are already telling me that they wish I could stay and asking why I'm leaving. I hope I get to stay in contact with them and see how they're doing in the years to come.

In other news, I'm excited to move home for the summer. This might be the last summer that my whole family is living in the same house. I never laugh as much as I do at home with my family, so I'm going to savor it while I can. Example: last night, we were playing Loaded Questions and Mom was the guesser. The question was: "What muscle would you flex to impress someone?" My brother and I both said "brain", and my dad and sister both said "butt." Pretty much sums up the family. :P

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